Churches in Bratislava, Slovakia

The most beautiful churches in Bratislava

The most beautiful churches in Bratislava

Sometimes we travel to different continents just to admire beauty of things we have at home but we ignore them because of stress, plenty of work or just unconcern. Many residents of Bratislava have no clue there is over 50 churches, cathedrals, temples and chapels. If somebody asked me last month I would barely mention 5 of them despite living in Bratislava for nearly 30 years. 

Couple of weeks ago I started to use public transport instead of my car and suddenly I observe people and awesome places and buildings around us. The capital city of Slovakia is changing with plenty of business offices, shopping centres and commercial posters everywhere but there is still enough of exceptional historical buildings in the city centre.

Churches in Bratislave | Kostoly v Bratislave

  1. The St. Nicholas Church
  2. The St. Martin’s Cathedral
  3. The Capuchin Church and Monastery
  4. The Clarissine Church
  5. The St. Ladislav’s Church
  6. The Elisabeth’s Church
  7. The Temple of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross
  8. The Church of St. Elizabeth
  9. The Ursuline Church and Convent
  10. The Franciscan Church
  11. The Holy Saviour Church
  12. The Church of the Merciful Brothers


The most beautiful churches in Bratislava

If you work in Bratislava or spend here couple of days as a tourist do not waste time in the shopping malls and pubs and take a look at some of the remains of the history crown city on Danube.

The Cathedral of St. Martin

Najkrajšie kostoly v Bratislave - Dóm sv. Martina
Najkrajšie kostoly v Bratislave - Dóm sv. Martina
Najkrajšie kostoly v Bratislave - Dóm sv. Martina

The cathedral is one of the largest churches in Slovakia. Once gothic sacred building is the second most visited place in Bratislava. The 85 meters tall tower is important part of city skyline and also holds a copy of crown of Hungarian kings.


The Church of St. Elizabeth

Kostol sv. Alžbety - The blue Church of St. Elisabeth
interiér Modrý kostolík - Bratislava

The Church of St. Elizabeth is often called simply the blue church. This awesome and cute building is work of hungarian architect Edmund Lechner.


The Trinity Church and Capuchin Church

Kostol trinitárov v Bratislave
Kostol svätého Štefana

The Church of the Holy Trinity was constructed in 18th century in baroque style to serve the trinitarian order. Capuchin Church and monastery is devoted to St. Stephen and and there is a  Plague Pillar from 1723 in front of the church dedicated to Virgin Mary.


Franciscan Church and Ursuline Church

Františkánsky kostol zvestovania panny márie
Kostol Uršulínok - Ursuline Church

Franciscian gothic church from 13th century is one of the most interesting churches in Bratislava and whole Slovakia especially because of original arcade corridor and st. John chapel.

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